Daryl Parks
for Will County Board District 11
Your Vote is Your Voice
March 1, 2022
Daryl Parks has Decided to Run for Will County Board, District 11!
I have begun the process for being on the ballot for the June 28, 2022 Primary Election as a democratic candidate for the Will County Board (Illinois), District 11. I am asking for your support as I begin my campaign. My immediate need is for volunteer “foot soldiers” who will walk precincts, knock on doors, and just get my name and my agenda to our constituents.
March 2, 2022
Daryl Parks wants Government Transparency for District 11...
The major reason I am running for this County Board seat is to provide transparency to the hard-working families of District 11, and to unlock the resources available thru the County and make them more accessible. I also plan on communicating monthly to you keeping you abreast of, and encourage you to be a part of, YOUR County government.
July 12, 2023